I believe in Newton's Third Law

For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
It happens in reality. It really does.

Want to share about your thoughts?
Email me: daniawwrr@yahoo.com :)

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Since The Day I Lost My Stuff

I still don't have anything to say here.
I miss my Vaio. Oh no, I miss my files. My photos, songs, documents, and everything.
I have no photos to share, stories to write. Hmm I'm just.. mad.
But, uh.. Never mind.

Okay, I'm leaving Jakarta in two days. I'm going to Europe for about three weeks, which contains one week for a student-exchange program in Germany. Then me, my mom, and my brother are going to travel around Europe (only several countries). We'll be back on the 12th of July.
Oh man it sounds that I'm too proud of it.

But in fact, I'm so afraid of missing everything here. Even though it's just three weeks. You know, I feel sort of.. worried?

Hmm guys, I guess I won't have enough time to write more, or spend some time to update my blog in these two days. I have so many things to do, to prepare, and.. to think, I suppose. And fyi, I started to watch football this year, starting from this world cup. Actually I enjoy the match, but it's just weird that I don't really know the team, the players, or even the coach, and all that stuff. But I just, you know.. trying to blend with those who love talking about football.

So, it's time to say bye. I hope I'll find wi fi or something so I can connect to the internet and update my blog or share some pics. And btw, I won't bring my DSLR, only my pocket camera. And, umm.. I'm so tired. I need to sleep now.

Last words. I'll miss home, Jakarta, friends, Iguana, Sigi, aaaaaarrrrghhh. Everything!
Wish me luck, I'll travel around Europe (with my mom and bro) without taking a tour ;p

Anyway, this is my 350th post. It's not as good as I expected -__-

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Pelajaran Lebih Mahal

Laptop saya hilang. Ya, dicuri sih tepatnya. Dicuri sama tukang listrik gadungan.

Ketika saya baru pulang kerja (pengenalan dunia kerja itu loh), saya berniat ingin mendengarkan lagu di laptop sambil tidur-tiduran. Kemudian saya lihat sisi kiri meja belajar saya kosong. Biasanya laptop saya ada di situ. Awalnya saya tenang-tenang saja, laptop saya memang sering dipakai orang rumah, seperti misalnya dipakai kakak atau ibu saya. Lalu saya tanya mereka, tapi tidak ada yang tau.

Begitulah, ibu saya sudah marah-marah, emosi. Saya kesal, tapi sekarang sudah tidak lagi. Ada ribuan hasil foto saya disitu, seribu lebih lagu-lagu hilang. Tapi, ya sudah lah.

Ya, sekarang saya hanya ingin mengambil sisi positifnya. Untung saja kamera saya tidak diambil. Untung saja barang-barang saya yang lain tidak hilang. Untung saya hanya laptop yang hilang. Yang bisa dibeli suatu saat nanti, dan yang bisa saya masukkan foto-foto lagi nanti. Saya bisa hunting-hunting foto ke tempat yang bagus lagi nanti. Saya bisa isi lagu-lagu dan susun semuanya dengan rapi lagi nanti.

Masih untung saya suka post foto di blog. Masih untung ada beberapa foto saya di flashdisk. Masih untung saya punya cd-cd yang nanti lagu-lagunya bisa saya masukkan lagi. Masih untung saya bisa ini itu. Aduh apa sih. Ya pokoknya untung lah hanya laptop, bukan rumah (loh?).

Masih untung yang hilang bukan teman-teman saya, keluarga saya, Iguana, ataupun Sigi :)

Berlebihan ya saya. Ini pertama kali saya merasakan kehilangan barang berharga sih. Tapi lebih berharga yang barusan saya sebutkan deh (teman-teman, keluarga, Iguana, dan Sigi)! Hehehehehe.

Saya dapat pelajaran baru. Artinya saya harus lebih hati-hati dalam menyimpan barang. Ya, pelajaran yang berharga lah :) Saya bahagia bisa berpikir positif. Saya bahagia bisa tenang dan nggak marah-marah. Hehehe. Bye semua!