I believe in Newton's Third Law

For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
It happens in reality. It really does.

Want to share about your thoughts?
Email me: daniawwrr@yahoo.com :)

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Kuantitas vs Kualitas

Entah di negara mana pun juga, kondisi suatu negara akan bidang tertentu ditentukan oleh data yang bersifat kuantitatif serta dapat dibandingkan secara jelas besar atau tingkatannya satu dengan yang lain. Secara sederhana, kita terlalu sering menggunakan angka. Bahkan selama jenjang pendidikan sekalipun, segala jenis kualitas sesuatu ditentukan oleh angka. Ya, secara kualitatif.

Mungkin salah satu tujuannya adalah, untuk mempermudah penampilan data yang dapat dimengerti oleh seluruh lapisan masyarakat.

Tetapi masalahnya adalah, sepertinya negara kita selalu sering menggunakan angka. Melebihi negara-negara lain yang masih mengukur keseimbangan antara kualitas dan kuantitas. Terkadang kita terlalu terpaku pada angka-angka yang menunjukkan suatu kondisi atau tingkatan suatu bidang tertentu. Tingkat kemiskinan misalnya, yang menurut sumber besarnya sekitar 14,15%. Yang lebih sederhana lagi, misalnya seorang pelajar SMU mendapat nilai 9 untuk pelajaran Sosiologinya.

Yang saya permasalahkan di sini adalah, bagaimana angka-angka tersebut menentukan sebuah kualitas akan sesuatu?

Apakah angka kemiskinan yang tertera di atas menunjukkan bahwa kualitas masyarakat Indonesia (secara finansial) di luar 14,15% itu, baik?

Sebenarnya saya juga masih belum mantap akan tulisan ini. Masih rancu. Tetapi ada saja di benak saya bahwa kita terkadang terlalu dibudaki oleh angka-angka satu hingga sembilan yang mengelilingi kepala. Komentar ada saya tunggu.

Friday, October 29, 2010


Mari kita berdoa untuk Indonesia.
Untuk bencana, terutama.

Oh ya, hari ini hari peringatan Sumpah Pemuda.
Berjanjilah, kita akan ubah keadaan negara ini suatu saat nanti.
Jangan hanya berjanji, tetapi.. Tepati.
Saya juga, tentunya.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

One Reason Why School Rocks

Greenlite is the name. Our band. In our beloved school ;)
Well I had been spending these days with them to rehearse for a competition, which made us won the 3rd place. We usually rehearse every Monday, but there are lots of events we perform on these days, so we practice more.

(right to left) Nina keyboard, Erin bass, Manda and Riska vocals, Nyssa drum, Me guitar, Anggra guitar. Well these aren't all of Greenlite's members, here are just the 7 of all of us.

Anggra the lead guitar player, and Me

Me (right below), Anggra (right above), with some of the graduated girls

some of the members and the alumni

thanks to Agnes Sarita who captured this moment

I love Greenlite very much. Though we don't play rock 'n roll like Joan Jett like I'm still dreaming for, I still love you guys!

Photos by: Febyane and Agnes Sarita

Cold Beers, Cigarettes, and The Blues

Jakarta Blues Festival
I came on Saturday, 16th of October 2010.
Nothin' but the blues.

I was there for about 6-7 hours. But the thing is I just got in the crowd of 4 performances. I heard some of the others, and they were all great. Unfortunately, I didn't get any chance to see Rama Satria and The Electric Mojos with Lance Lopez on Friday, 15th of Oct.

Jakarta Broadway Team
Well I know they don't play Blues but they were great. One of them was graduated from my school, St Ursula SHS. And the photo above is probably the only one that looks better than the others.

They're from Shillong, India. They're Rudy Wallang and Tipriti K. Bangar. They both sing and know how to show the magic of Blues but for me.. Tips (that's how Tipriti makes her name shorter) surely knows how to entertain people. I even still love her voice when she's screaming like.. "Aww!". Remarkable.

The S.I.G.I.T
I didn't get any good pictures of all of the members because I was in crowd and I'm not as tall as the others there. It quite irritated me but as long as I can still enjoy the music, it doesn't count as a problem. Well above is the photo of Rekti. As usual, they successfully made everyone shook their head to the beat.

Gugun Blues Shelter
Above is the pic of Gugun and Jono. Actually I got some good pics of them, but I'm not going to post all of them here. Oh man, I have no words to describe their performance. They're just too.. Awesome.

More photos on my facebook.
And oh, the last one, about the title. I didn't drink, and I didn't smoke.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Sebegitu Rentan

Aku berbicara.
Aku mengadu.
Sebegitu rapuhnya, aku mengaku.

Aku satu dari gelondongan kayu hasil tebang ilegal
Sebegitu rentannya.
Ya, sebegitunya rentannya.

Semuanya dingin.
Mereka adalah es-es abadi.
Kalian adalah es-es abadi. Kamu juga.
Semua. Dingin. Aku kalah.
Sebegitu rapuhnya.

Belajarlah. Mengertilah.