I believe in Newton's Third Law

For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
It happens in reality. It really does.

Want to share about your thoughts?
Email me: daniawwrr@yahoo.com :)

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Anak Bu Mi

Namanya Mi. Bu Mi panggilannya. Beliau idola jagat raya. Mulai dari saya, Anda, kakak saya, orang tua saya, tante saya, guru saya, tetangga saya, loper koran yang lewat rumah saya, peliharaan saya, tanaman hias di rumah saya, dan semuanya. Bu Mi adalah seorang janda. Suaminya, Pak Mi konon dulu dipuja jagat raya (juga). Tetapi, Pak Mi sudah terlalu tua. Akhirnya Bu Mi pun memutuskan untuk menggantikan peran almarhum suaminya itu.

Bu Mi sudah cukup tua. Ya jelas saja, berapa banyak makhluk yang tinggal di rumahnya. Sudah berapa lama? Lihat saja kalendar. Saya sayang Ibu, kalau boleh jujur. Saya prihatin melihat Bu Mi yang sudah cukup tua, sendiri, sakit-sakitan. Dan juga, tidak dipedulikan lagi oleh anak-anaknya, yang katanya punya kebebasan untuk merawat dan menyayangi Bu Mi.

Bu Mi selalu berkata pada saya kalau beliau suka sekali warna hijau. Lalu saya tanya kenapa warna hijau? Bu Mi pun menjawab, "kamu tidak pernah sekolah ya? Kamu tau kan, pepohonan itu menyerap karbondioksida untuk fotosintesis yang akan menghasilkan oksigen?" Ya Bu, saya anak kelas IPS, bukan IPA. Tapi saya tahu kok. Bu Mi sebenarnya tidak memerlukan pepohonan, atau yang beliau sebut hijau-hijau itu. Bu Mi sebenarnya bisa memulihkan dirinya sendiri dari berbagai penyakit yang dideritanya. Masalahnya sekarang adalah, anak-anaknya ini kewalahan. Ada yang sibuk merusak dan membuat Bu Mi sakit. Ada yang sibuk memulihkan Bu Mi. Ada yang diam saja. Ada yang bingung. Ada yang tidak mengerti. Ada yang cuek, dan sebagainya. Intinya, sebenarnya kita, sebagai anak-anak Bu Mi sedang berusaha menyelamatkan diri kita sendiri. Bukan Bu Mi. Seperti kata Bu Mi, "akibat terjadi pada anak-cucu. Bukan pada orang tua lagi."

Saya pernah bermimpi. Dalam mimpi saya itu saya melihat Bu Mi menangis. Bu Mi menangis diiringi kilat-kilat yang bermuatan listrik cukup dahsyat. Menyambar, menegur gedung-gedung pencakar langit. Ya saya baru ingat, kalau Bu Mi itu bekerja pada seseorang. Namanya Tuhan. Anak-anak Bu Mi juga mengenal Tuhan, termasuk saya sendiri. Tuhan adalah seseorang/sesuatu yang membentuk Bu Mi sampai sekarang ini. Segala perkembangan dan pertumbuhan yang dirasakan oleh Bu Mi, semua itu karena Tuhan itu. Sebagai imbalannya, Bu Mi harus selalu menjaga dirinya. Kalau tidak, bisa-bisa Tuhannya itu marah. Dan kali ini, Bu Mi menangis. Mungkin karena Tuhan marah.

Bu Mi berpesan pada saya. Ya, bukan pesan lah. Tetapi berupa pertanyaan.
Kita semua punya Ibu. Nama Ibu kita itu Bu Mi. Saya sendiri sayang Bu Mi, kalau Anda? Saya peduli terhadap Bu Mi, Anda bagaimana? Jangan biarkan Tuhan marahi Bu Mi. Jadilah anak yang berbakti pada orang tua. Ingat, akibat akan jatuh ke anak cucu, bukan orang tua lagi.


Hari ini, saya menghadapi ulangan geografi, yang memang (bagi saya) merupakan pelajaran program IPS yang cukup sulit. Menarik, tapi ya.. Sulit.

Yang saya akan ceritakan ini tidak ada hubungannya dengan pelajaran geografi. Tapi ya, lihat saja.

G: guru
M: murid

Guru geografi saya mempunyai kebiasaan menampilkan soal ulangan melalui slide. Untuk ulangan kali ini, soalnya berbentuk pilihan ganda, berjumlah 30 soal.
G: Ayo udah pada siap ya?
M: Udah, Pak.
(Nomor demi nomor berlalu. Sampai dengan nomor 22, tiba-tiba ada kejanggalan)
M: Pak, kok soal nomor 23 nggak ada?
G: Wah masa sih?
M: Iya tuh Pak. Habis 22, langsung 24, Pak.
G: Oh, iya ya. Oke, begini deh. Kalian tulis dulu nomor 23 di kertas ulangan kalian.
M: Udah, Pak.
G: Kemudian kalian gambar lingkaran kecil di tempat jawaban nomor itu.
M: Udah, Pak.
G: Kemudian, kalian gambar wajah manusia tersenyum di situ. Menandakan soalnya dianulir.
M: (tertawa)
G: Hayoo siapa yang nggak gambar orang tersenyum?

Jujur, saya merasa ada sesuatu yang berarti dari hal sederhana tadi. Saya menemukan kebahagiaan. Hanya dengan gambar wajah sederhana yang dibuat dengan pulpen tinta, yang hanya sebesar satu baris kertas ulangan. Pada saat, ulangan geografi. Lucu juga ya. Apa hubungannya dengan soal yang dianulir?

Menarik saja. Kreatif. Yang jelas, intinya bahagia.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Merah, Putih, Bersatu Dalam Semangat


Hari ini saya singkat saja.
Pergi ke sekolah. Upacara bendera.
Hampir saya terlambat. Lalu saya lari.

Sekitar enam puluh menit upacara bendera berlangsung. Lagu Indonesia Raya, Sang Merah Putih berkibar.

Saya.. Merinding (jujur).

Banyak hal yang memicu rasa nasionalisme saya yang sempat pergi entah ke mana. Seperti tulisan- tulisan Pandji Pragiwaksono, teman-teman IPS saya, peristiwa yang saya lihat di sekitar saya, dan hal lainnya.. yang membuat saya kembali menemukan arti merah dan putih dalam diri saya.

Dan akhirnya, saya pun membuat account di twitter (setelah lama teman-teman saya menuntut saya untuk membuatnya). Untuk mengekspresikan diri saya, rasa cinta saya terhadap Indonesia, kedamaian, dan dunia. Follow @daniakp. (agak lucu ya, hahahaha).

Saya masih ingin banyak menulis di sini. Tapi, nanti saja.
Tetap berkunjung ke sini! ; )

Dirgahayu Indonesia! Semoga Indonesia, akan ada untuk selamanya. Bukan semoga, melainkan harus. Merdeka!

Tanah Air


Soshi Tei (Sosial Top Sekali)
Sushi (Sebelas IPS Satu Shiiiiiiip)
Sashimi (Sebelas IPS Dua apa gitu)


The Thing Is..

you've got everything in you

well this is just so random.

I Just Wanna Live While I'm Alive

Well, I think we spent quite a bit.
But we had fun.


2nd photo: Bella, Marcia, and Anggra
3rd photo: Anggra and Me

Saturday, 14th of August 2010
Grand Indonesia

Thursday, August 12, 2010



Oh, I wanna be a rockstar.
Anything. I wanna play the guitar. I wanna play the bass. I wanna sing.
The acoustic one. Or, whatever.

Well I know it won't be true.
I just wonder how it feels like to be known.
At least, to be on the stage.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Kilat dan Perjalanan


Petir menyambar.
Seakan memicu kereta untuk lebih cepat melaju.
Tetapi tetap saja, lambat.

Memang. Kata benda dan kata sifat, terkadang tak mau menyatu menjadi sebuah frase.

Hujan saja cukup.
Hujan saja terus sampai mati.
Maka bahagia saya.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Unconsciously Uploaded

Well this is kinda weird. These photos were actually photos I took when I went to the Car Free Day in May if I'm not mistaken.

As some of you know, I lost my laptop a few days after I saved these photos there. And what I remember the most is, I've never uploaded these pictures to my account in photobucket. I just used photoshop to edit them, but then I left my laptop and after two days.. it's gone.

But the funny thing is it apparently appears on photobucket. So I just decided to post it here. Though it might be too late.


Those are some people who were wearing something which made them become much taller (?). Well I guess they meant to show how education is needed by wearing uniforms. It's very interesting.

Hmm, I'm outta words.
Okay, bye. Sorry.

Back After Recess

Well, life goes on.
And it's time to move on.


Right Marcia!
I've got to get up, and open my eyes.

That's Marcia, taken by me (using the new lens! haaaaaa love it!)
I'm trying to get more pictures now. Got what I mean? I'm expecting more, and more. After I lost all my pictures a few months ago.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

A Foreign Name?

My friend gave me a link of one of their videos in YouTube. I saw the video, and I was mesmerized.

The Tielman Brothers are actually Indonesians who live in Holland. I searched them on Wikipedia, and found out that the band was formed before The Beatles and The Rolling Stones. I mean, they were like.. awesome! Even their stage-acts are more fabulous than The Beatles. Their songs are also amazing!

Well it's quite unbelievable that actually.. the frontman of this band, Andy Tielman, has the ability to play guitar with his teeth or play it behind his body, and also some other great attractions on stages, long before Hendrix. source

It's an unfortunate for us as Indonesians, that The Tielman Brothers is still a foreign name. But I guess they're really great. Awesome.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Why Do The Sun and The Moon Live in The Sky?

Found the title of the story in my English book. Curiosity forced me to search about it on Google. Then I found this story, it's actually a Nigerian folktale. It's probably the best folktale I've ever heard.

Many years ago, the sun and water were great friends, and they both lived on the earth togther. The sun very often used to visit the water, but the water never returned the visits.

At last the sun asked the water why he never visited. The water replied that the sun's house was not big enough, and that if he came with all his people, he would drive the sun out of his home.

The water then said, "If you want me to visit you, you will have to build a very large house. But I warn you that it will have to be very large, as my people are numerous and take up a lot of room".

The sun promised to build a very large house, and soon afterwards, he returned home to his wife, the moon, who greeted him with a broad smile.

The sun told the moon what he had promised the water, and the next day, they began building a large house to entertain the water and all his people.

When it was completed, the sun asked the water to come and visit him.

When the water arrived, one of his people called out to the sun, and asked him whether it would be safe for the water to enter, and the sun answered, "Yes, tell my friend to come in."

The water began to flow in, followed by the fish and all the other water animals.

Very soon, the water was knee-deep in the house, so he asked the sun if it was still safe, and the sun again said, "Yes," so more of them came in.

When the water was at the level of a man's head, the water said to the sun, "Do you want more of my people to come?"

Not knowing any better, the sun and the moon both said, "Yes,". More and more of the water's people came in, until the sun and the moon had to sit on top of the roof.

The water once again asked the sun if it was still okay to keep coming in. The sun and moon answered yes, so more and more of the water's people came in.

The water soon overflowed the top of the roof, and the sun and the moon were forced to go up into the sky.

...and they have been there ever since.

I wish to live in the sky too.
But I'm not the moon.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Tut Mir Leid

because you're here, I am safe
because you're here, I am alive

and loving you is like the rightest thing I've ever done in my life.

I'm sorry for letting you down.
I love you, Iguana.
Maaf aku nggak bisa gombal ;o

and I took your photo from facebook, without any permission. sorry!

Soon, Trust Me

Oh blog.

I'm so sorry guys, I've been away from the computer these days.
Fyi, my school just started 2 weeks ago. Social class is great, and super (so far).

Well, I finally decided not to see Slash this 3rd of August. I'm planning to buy new lens for my camera. So, please just wait for my upcoming posts. I'll explore more this year ;)

Please wait for it.
Soon, trust me.