I believe in Newton's Third Law

For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
It happens in reality. It really does.

Want to share about your thoughts?
Email me: daniawwrr@yahoo.com :)

Sunday, February 28, 2010

My Body's Aching But I'm Not Alone

Melisa in the crowd

Nirmala, Tannia

Asking Gugun for an autograph

Endah and Melisa

Nirmala, Tannia, Bowie, Dania, Melisa, and Rosy

With John Armstrong/Jon

I met Hugo there. So we spent the time to talk about so many things, especially about our thoughts ahaha. He's the greatest musician I've ever known :p

I saw Gugun Blues Shelter once before, but yesterday they sounded more fantastic :p They were cool, but they could get along with their fans too. Endah was very nice. Unfortunately we didn't get a chance to take a pic with Rhesa hihi. Woohoo the day was super!
Thanks to Rosy who told us about this. It was a very good idea for filling our break during midterm :)

photos were taken by me or melisa

My Body's Aching, I've Got A Music Fever

moving a lot, carrying my camera to get lots of pics, and certainly...
rocking out

the sweetest part


Endah yang suaranya bagus, main gitarnya asik. Rhesa yang lucu, main bassnya juga keren banget. EndahNRhesa pasangan yang gokil. They made me think about my future husband hahaha. Isn't it fun, living with someone who also has the heart like you have? I mean, mereka sama-sama musisi. Seru ya.

Bowie yang ekspresif dan gokil banget ngedrumnya. John Armstrong yang friendly dan kocak. Gugun yang suaranya masuk banget, gitarnya yang 'menusuk' telinga tanpa rasa sakit. Aksi panggung mereka bikin orang pengen ikutan ke panggung juga, walaupun sudah lelah.

Dan, kolaborasi yang bikin orang melupakan rasa laparnya karena belum makan malam.
Jadi pengen nonton Java Jazz Festival, tapi bingung -_-

Java Jazz On The Move, Universitas Bina Nusantara
27th of February 2010

Sebuah Foto Gagal

Tapi saya suka melihatnya :p

Today I went for Java Jazz On The Move in Binus with some friends. Above was one of the pictures I took there (EndahNRhesa), I even still haven't finished checking the photos. Too many. Hahaha. Yea, just wait for my upcoming updates (?) about Gugun Blues Shelter and EndahNRhesa. O mike, they were like so.. wow. Today was a blast, even when I remember there'll be chemistry and sociology tests on Monday, and the rests on Tuesday. Okay never mind.

Man I'm exhausted, it's time to go to bed.
Good night people.
Hurray tomorrow's Sunday :)

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Hanya Bicara Biasa

Kata seorang tour guide: Ya. Jadi di Paris, ada 3 Louis yang terkenal. Yang pertama adalah Louis XIV yang membangun Versailles ini. Yang kedua adalah Louis XVI yang blablablablabla (saya lupa). Yang ketiga adalah, Louis Vuitton.

Kemudian, gelak tawa.
Itulah pelawak yang sesungguhnya. Tampang serius, tetapi bisa membuat manusia berselera humor menengah ke atas tertawa :p

Monday, February 22, 2010

The Blind Man Taught Me How To See

so here I am,
loving you even when I close my eyes

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Problem Solving

i'm sure you guys know what the problem is :p

You Taste Great Without Brown Sugar

I let the song Sunday Morning playing on my Itunes
Every Sunday
Though it's not raining
Though it's on the afternoon, or evening

You are my Sunday
You make me want to wake up earlier
In the morning
You are healthier than coffee
Stimulating my body in a perfect way
You beat maragogype
You taste great without brown sugar

You are my Sunday
And another Sunday always be the following day
And I consider that's true
Man, You change my mind
And you make me switch my prayer which used to be
'Thank God it's Friday'
with the similar one but ends with the word 'Sunday'

I wish everyday was Sunday
I wish every time you were here

You are my Sunday
And you'll always be my Sunday
Till my last Sunday on earth
And you'll always be Sunday to no one but me

You are my Sunday

Friday, February 19, 2010

Hitam Putih Hitam Putih Hitam Putih Hitam

nggak tau kenapa gue suka deh ngeliatnya : ) hehehehe
sorry for the bad quality, using webcam :o

In My Garage, Yours?

it's about how blues and rock n roll meet each other

let's rock.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

expecting some money despite the fact that i'm not chinese

Oh man it's Valentine's Day!
Gahaahahaha I've got nothing to say.
Hmm okay, have a good one peeps!
Enjoy your Chinese New Year too if you're celebrating!

Don't tell anyone, i'm craving for kue lapis
Or, expecting a rose? hahaha whatever.
Anyway guys, yesterday I watched the movie 'From Paris With Love' with my family. Man, I can't lie that it was too good! Hahaha John Travolta was awesome. Just watch it guys. You gotta love it.

Okay bye, I'm going out for a lunch with my family.
Enjoy your Sunday pals! Don't think about Monday please :)

It's my 300th post by the way :p

Elvis Presley's Not Dead


visit my place if you want to meet him haha

i'm having music fever
and man it feels so good! haha
i even let the songs on my itunes playing loudly,
so everyone here can enjoy 'em :)
i play music too much these days
i fck up with my guitar and i can't help it :p
it's like pop tarts when they say once you pop you can't stop
sex sells, music too
and having coffee is a must
stimulating your body, in a good way
in a perfect taste of maragogype and brown sugar
or even any other type of coffee, but forget about decaf
oh man it's like nirvana
when the buddha talks about total freedom
when kurt cobain defined what nirvana means to him
oh man i love it
and you gotta love it too, trust me

oh! one last thing, elvis presley's not dead and you've got to remember that.
credits: elvis' miniature from a friend of mine, Hugo (thanks pal!)



good morning everyone
above are some photos i took last night
hahaha it seems like i'm really in a good mood today :)
happy sunday!

Treat Me This Way


Friday, February 12, 2010



hidupmu indah bila kau tau jalan mana yang benar
it reminds me of a song called Rockstar by Nickelback :p


Caffeine says:
gue kpikiran
tannia says:
gua jg pengen nih

Caffeine says:
udah prtscr haha
pny coffee shop!
usaha kopi luwak
tannia says:

Caffeine says:
tannia says:

Caffeine says:
tannia says:
pasti sukses kalo coffeeshop dijamin d
Caffeine says:
aaaaaaaaa seru ya hiduo


bicara tentang masa depan
pekerjaan, pekerjaan sampingan, kerja sama
dan sebagainya
ah seru!

Monday, February 8, 2010


Saya tidak percaya
Saya kira semuanya telah usai
Saya kira sudah tidak ada lagi pecandu
Saya kira semuanya sudah direhabilitasi
Saya kira semuanya sudah sembuh
Saya kira semuanya sudah bahagia

Ah, haruskah saya pakai stimulan lagi?

Haha life's getting harder
But I believe,
someday life will be fair

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Every Kingdom Has Its Own History


and nobody cares about stories others have

captured by me
Cathedral, 6th of February '10



i'm sorry for letting you guys see this

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Saya Lebih Memilih Sastra Dibandingkan Dimensi Tiga

Tidak habis pikirkah?
Ketika setiap kali kita menghirup udara
Langit masih biru sedikit tertumpahan cat kuning
Kemudian yang masuk adalah karbon monoksida
Sesak napas

Otak kanan tidak bekerja
Otak kiri terlalu berat terlalu banyak menghitung
Lima puluh juta kata kajian yang masuk dan bertengkar
Menimbulkan konflik dalam kepala sendiri
Tidak habis pikirkah?
Kepala berteriak, katanya ingin meledak
Lalu, saya hanya mengubur diri dalam hitam
Dalam hitam yang hangat
Tetapi lama kelamaan makin panas
Lalu mendidih

Saya sudah minta tolong
Dengar, kan?

Tidak habis pikir
Mungkin yang terlintas hanya mobil-mobil tua
Hanya anak jalanan yang bernyanyi sambil minta belas kasihan
Hah, sampah sekali ya
Tidak habis pikir
Mungkin hanya lalat-lalat buah yang terlalu lelah
Ataukah anak-anak kucing yang sudah diberi susu?
Lalu saya ini apa?

Tidak habis pikirkah?
Ketika semuanya pergi dikala ada kecelakaan di lampu merah
Atau mungkin tetap ada di sana
Berkumpul bersama
Untuk apa?
Mencari hiburan?

Barangkali saya perlu menjadi Tuhan suatu hari nanti
Biar saya tidak sakit
Biar saya kebal
Biar saya bisa jadi sutradara
Biar saya hebat
Barangkali saya perlu memasukkan kamu ke neraka nanti

Saya harus bagaimana?
Mengepel tak bisa memasak pun tidak
Menjahit? Apalagi
Sedangkan yang lain,
Lihat saja sendiri

Jadi ingat ketika kecelakaan menjadi berkat
Bagaikan kaum muda kecanduan
Merangkak-rangkak minta putau
Menghempaskan diri ke tembok dengan keringat bercucuran
Entah bagaimana kemudian akhirnya
Mati di lantai atau masuk surga 20 tahun lagi

Saya tidak tau saya apa

Adakah yang tau?

It's Been 37 Months And 21 Days

and i still can't get you out of my mind

Friday, February 5, 2010


I don't have a heart to give her away :/
Anyway the pic was taken about 2 weeks ago. Sekarang spotsnya sudah banyak dan sangat terlihat :)

my 290th post,
mulai rajin blogging lagi sepertinya

Rocking Out, It's Garage!

The Subways

I know it sounds corny but I can see myself through them hihihi
I'm having music fever, and I won't let it go away :p

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Modal Tampang Doang

mau gitar kek, bass kek
tetep aja

photo taken by kak dea