I believe in Newton's Third Law

For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
It happens in reality. It really does.

Want to share about your thoughts?
Email me: daniawwrr@yahoo.com :)

Sunday, February 28, 2010

My Body's Aching But I'm Not Alone

Melisa in the crowd

Nirmala, Tannia

Asking Gugun for an autograph

Endah and Melisa

Nirmala, Tannia, Bowie, Dania, Melisa, and Rosy

With John Armstrong/Jon

I met Hugo there. So we spent the time to talk about so many things, especially about our thoughts ahaha. He's the greatest musician I've ever known :p

I saw Gugun Blues Shelter once before, but yesterday they sounded more fantastic :p They were cool, but they could get along with their fans too. Endah was very nice. Unfortunately we didn't get a chance to take a pic with Rhesa hihi. Woohoo the day was super!
Thanks to Rosy who told us about this. It was a very good idea for filling our break during midterm :)

photos were taken by me or melisa



it was a greaaaat nighttttttt <3<3

anthrōpos said...

yoa we spent the time to talk so many things and that was a honor to have a conversation with you.. hahaha.. but actually i'm not the greatest musician you've ever known Dan hahaha... i'm just someone that got an inspiration and influences all from you.. you got the BLUES Pal, you're the STAR hehehe..

Dania said...

HAHAHA hugo that was toooooooooo much hahahaha jangan lebai ah haha. he mana lagu km yang pake lirik dari blog aku hahahaha dasar

thanks ya go komennya

anthrōpos said...

wahaha... yaampun emang beneran Dan, ga lebay, seriusan deh hahaha.. ada deh Dan, nanti ya kapan-kapan ak tunjukin.. aransemen lagunya masih belum bersih, masih di rapih-rapihin lah hehehe.. yoo, mari.. keep expressing and spreading your talents Dan. you're the STAR, Pal.. hahaha...