I believe in Newton's Third Law

For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
It happens in reality. It really does.

Want to share about your thoughts?
Email me: daniawwrr@yahoo.com :)

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Hukum Gossen I

"Jika pemuas suatu benda berlangsung terus menerus, kenikmatan mula-mula mencapai kepuasan tertinggi. Namun makin lama makin turun, sampai mencapai titik nol."

Kamu si konsumen.
Saya adalah bendanya.

Sejak saat mencapai titik nol, saya kehilangan semuanya.

Anyway, a ton of thanks to Uun who brightens up this gloomy day :)


Shasha said...

hey ayo free hugs at least you dont lose every single thing.

Dania said...

hahaha iya dong shaaa wakakakka

Anonymous said...

aku tak mengerti -___-

Dania said...

yeh elo, gak belajar ekonomi ya? hahahaha