I believe in Newton's Third Law

For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
It happens in reality. It really does.

Want to share about your thoughts?
Email me: daniawwrr@yahoo.com :)

Monday, December 14, 2009

Teriak, Lompat, Tertawa

Alice, Tannia, and Jesslyn

Jesslyn, her head was on the glove hahaha

Me, taken by Feby :)

Kami sepuluh satu
Kami hanyalah satu
Kami slalu bersatu
Tuk jadi nomor satu
Pak Panji(wali kelas 10-1) slalu
Berkata kepadaku
Pantang mundur dan tetaplah maju

Walaupun nggak segila sembilan satu, sepuluh satu juga asik banget kok :)

Classsmeeting, 14 Dec '09 (first day)
Foto besok menyusul (ya iyalah ya -_-)

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