I believe in Newton's Third Law

For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
It happens in reality. It really does.

Want to share about your thoughts?
Email me: daniawwrr@yahoo.com :)

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Terapi Minum

Oh shit I missed school today. This morning I felt terrible when I woke up. My head ached and my throat hurt too bad. And now I am feeling lonely. My mom said I had to do some kind of drinking therapy (?). Aaarrrghh so bad, I wish I were at school now, laughing with friends, fooling around. Apparently there'll be an economy test today, which I had studied yesterday but there are some parts I don't really understand. At first I had decided to ask some friends before the test today. But you see, I am sick.

Now I am just listening to some cool songs and I guess doing a 40-numbers math exercise might be a good idea. I hope I'll finish it soon then I will take a nap. I am feeling damn awful. Shit. Oh shit. Holy shit.

Am I lonely? No, right? I am surrounded by many great friends in my life. Let's have some fun on weekend pals! :)
Anyway, I wanna cheer up myself. You've done something great, Dan. Well done! Hahaha sounds weird. But, whatever.

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