I believe in Newton's Third Law

For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
It happens in reality. It really does.

Want to share about your thoughts?
Email me: daniawwrr@yahoo.com :)

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Sweet Sunday

Today was fabulous. I went out with my family and had our lunch in..

Kembang Goela, Central Plaza. The place is fascinating and the food were delicious. They're more into Indonesian food, and the food names are so unique. They also use ejaan lama for the menu. You know what, my brother even ordered some kind of es campur named 'Es Asmara'. Hahaha.

They have batik on the walls.

The menu

Oh yea, if you go to Kembang Goela, you have to order Sosis Oom Yance. It's one-meter-long sausage. Whoa.

I was happy (haha) with rice, ketjipir, and sate after having the sausage

Nasi Langi

Yeah they were performing music. Fabulous! They played some oldies, 4 thumbs up for them. They should have been big stars.

We had poffertjies for our dessert

my mom, me. oh man my eyebrow

on our way home, i took some pics. but i just want to share one of them for now. hehe.

Alright, later everyone. I am so tired.
Bye bye!

low quality pictures, sorry

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