I believe in Newton's Third Law

For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
It happens in reality. It really does.

Want to share about your thoughts?
Email me: daniawwrr@yahoo.com :)

Saturday, October 31, 2009


Gay should close their identity

What do you think about this statement? Agree or disagree?

I'm waiting for your comments, guys.

Ya, jadi waktu latihan buat lomba debat di Tarki beberapa hari lalu, kita debat dengan motion ini. Gay should close their identity. Tim gue jadi negative team. Secara pribadi gue juga nggak setuju. Jadi lebih gampang deh hehehe.

Oke, topik homoseksual gini emang udah jadi kontroversi. Apalagi di Indonesia. Sebagian besar orang nggak bisa menerima adanya orang-orang yang 'berbelok' itu. Sebagian besar orang nggak bisa menghargai mereka yang mungkin bisa dibilang abnormal itu. Oh iya, setau gue, sebutan gay itu mencakup cewek atau cowok. So, lesbians are also included as gays.

Berdasarkan yang kita diskusiin bareng Kak Pade waktu itu, gay itu bukan penyakit. Bukan penyakit yang bisa disembuhin gitu aja. Jadi, kita nggak bisa dengan mudah bilang kalau gay itu harus disembuhin. Maksud motion yang kita debatin ini, gay nggak boleh mengaku bahwa dia itu adalah gay. Gay nggak boleh nunjukkin dirinya sebagai gay. Mereka harus berpura-pura jadi orang normal yang straight. Kalau gue pikir-pikir sendiri, itu nggak adil banget. Bener-bener nggak adil. Mungkin sebenernya mereka nggak mau jadi gay. Mungkin sebenernya mereka juga pengen jadi orang normal. Tapi, gay itu semacem kelainan, bukan penyakit yang disembuhin. Kelainan yang membuat mereka tertarik sama sesama jenis.

Kalau mereka dilarang untuk jujur bahwa mereka adalah gay, apa mereka nggak tertekan?

Setelah mikir-mikir, gue jadi lebih menghargai gay. Maksudnya, gue jadi lebih menghargai orang-orang yang punya kelainan itu. Mungkin banyak orang yang ngerasa jijik. Tapi, kenapa harus jijik? As long as they don't bother us, what is so bad about homosexuality?

Kalau mereka dikekang, dan nggak boleh mengaku bahwa mereka gay, mereka akan dipaksa buat bohong. Kecuali kalau emang mereka sendiri yang nggak mau mengaku. Tapi, kalau mereka sebenernya nggak ngerasa ada masalah, kenapa harus dilarang? They'll feel discriminated, they'll think that they're treated differently. Sulit jadi mereka.

Oh iya, ada yang pernah nonton film 30 Hari Mencari Cinta? Emang cuma simple gitu sih. Di film itu, ada Vino G. Bastian yang berperan jadi Eric (kalau nggak salah). Dia itu cowok yang lagi coba deketin si Olin. Olin itu mengharapkan banget cowok yang romantis, dan si Eric ini selalu berusaha buat bisa jadi yang Olin mau. Sampe waktu mereka lagi di cafe, si Olin itu nanya tentang perasaan Eric. Tiba-tiba muka Eric jadi serius.

Terus dia bilang, "Lin, sebenernya aku ini gay." Dia cerita kalau dia udah berusaha jadi cowok tulen, tapi itu hasilnya. Hal-hal romantis yang dia lakukan buat Olin kayaknya aneh, nggak tulus. Kayak ada yang mengganjal.

Gue juga pernah baca 1 novel Clara Ng judulnya 'Gerhana Kembar', tentang lesbian. Ceritanya, 2 wanita itu kenal sejak mereka kira-kira umur 25an gitu. Nama mereka itu Henrietta dan Diana. Suatu hari si Diana ini menikah. Banyak hal yang menghambat hubungan mereka. Mereka jarang ketemu. Tapi, mereka selalu inget satu sama lain. Diana pun juga nggak bahagia dengan rumah tangganya itu. Oke intinya aja ya. Sampe mereka sekitar umur 60an, mereka masih tetep sayang satu sama lain. Mereka inseparable.

Lawan tim gue waktu itu (affirmative teamnya) bilang kalau agama juga menganggap kalau gay itu nggak normal. Tapi, the world has changed, man! Manusia itu berkembang dan nggak selamanya bisa terpaku sama rule ini itu termasuk agama. Ya, bukan maksudnya kita harus mengabaikan agama. Tapi, mungkin kita perlu berpikir dua kali tentang gay. Secara pribadi, gue agak kasihan sama mereka. Mereka beda, tapi bukan berarti mereka harus diperlakukan secara berbeda juga. Seperti yang gue udah bilang tadi. As long as they don't hurt us, what is so bad about homosexuality? Why should they hide their identity? Secara otomatis, itu akan berdampak ke cara pikir mereka. Mereka akan merasa dibedakan dan seakan disingkirkan dari masyakarat.

Tapi kan mereka nggak akan disingkirkan kalau mereka nggak ngaku bahwa mereka adalah gay? (affirmative team)
Iya, itu berarti, they're pretending to be somebody else. Dan itu bukan hal yang mudah. Percaya kan ada human rights? Dengan cara mereka harus menyembunyikan fakta tersebut, apa mereka akan bahagia? Apa mereka akan dapet kebebasan ini itu seperti yang ada di human rights?

Dua contoh. Film dan novel itu jadi bikin gue menghargai mereka yang 'berbelok' itu. Relatif. Ini cuma pendapat gue aja. Gue tunggu komentarnya.

Anyway, dari obrolan gue, teman-teman debat, dan Kak Pade, gue jadi tau beberapa hal tentang gay dan kelompok-kelompok minoritas lainnya. Kita dijelasin tentang gay movement, affirmative action, dan lainnya. Yea, interesting. Okaaay, bye folks!

Something to Share

that's how we did it

(my favorite) it's Mia anyway

that's me (left) using the camera

hot lemon tea in H.E.M.A

Related post

Anyway, gue nggak ngerti banget kenapa foto-foto yang gue masukin ke blog jadi kayak pecah gitu. Jelek banget deh. Kasih tau gue ya kalo ada yang ngerti, hehehe. Oh iya, tadi pas ekskul fotografi, gue juga baru tau (baca: telat) kalau ISO tinggi (misalnya 1600) bisa menimbulkan noise pada foto, kayak renggang-renggang gitu katanya, atau agak pecah.

Oke deh bye semuaaa. Nggak penting ya postingannya haha.

Sad Sat Nite

I have no idea why today seemed so dead. I went out with my mom and my bro to H.E.M.A today. The food was terrible, the place was very crowded today. Bad services. Hmm, quite disappointing. But school was actually fun today. We learned about product photography then we watched a movie in German class, a German movie of course.

You know, yesterday I watched 'This Is It' in Jakarta Theater with Feby, Rizca, Alice, Tassha, Novita, and Noni. Yeah if you're not into Michael Jackson, don't watch it. Because it's just a documentary movie about his rehearsal, dance, and all those stuffs. There were some parts which made me fall asleep. A real deep sleep. But I could say that MJ was exactly the king of pop. And anyway, that day was tiring, it wasn't that super.

And now? I am just sitting in front of my computer. Having my coffee with cinnamon biscuits. I am planning to have a two-hour guitar rehearsal tonight, hoping for better skills. Oh man what a sad sat nite.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Cna't Blieevie I Saw A Jerk Tdaoy

You made me wanted to run across the road and let the big bus hits me.
You are the jerk.

Sorry this is weird. I just need to pour my heart out. It's damn painful.

Jubing Kristianto


Wednesday, October 28, 2009

So Why, So What, and So On

Hey folks! I've got some things to tell you here. Hahaha. Remember some previous posts about the debate rehearsal?

The competition was in Tarakanita 2. So the result is, we (me, Zena, and Lakshmi) just stopped in the quarterfinal. We didn't break to the semifinal. Okay, I'll tell you how it went. There were 4 preliminary rounds. We won 3 (out of 4) victory points. Oh man, we were beaten by SMAN 1 Serang on the 2nd round. The other 3 teams we have beaten were Tarsisius, Dwi Warna, and President HS. Dwi Warna was quite tough. They were aggressive of giving POIs and they were totally confident with their arguments and explanations. They made us mentally down.

Kak Pade always reminds us that we have to keep asking about our own arguments by saying, "so why?", "so what?", "so what is so bad about it?", and so on. Yea we did that. We did well on some debates. But sometimes it's just so difficult. And yea, we have to be critical.

The preliminary rounds were on the 1st and the 2nd day (26th Oct and 27th Oct). Then today, we went for the quarterfinal. And you know what, we met SMAN 1 Serang again and we became the government (affirmative) side like two days ago when we were beaten. It was an impromptu motion (it's like hidden motion) and it was a bit difficult for us as the government side. And they won.

I bought this pin (below) there. And I am proud to be a 1st speaker. Hahaha. Zena was the 2nd speaker and Lakshmi was the 3rd speaker (oh man we're so lucky to have her haha). Kathrin was our LO and she was very nice.

It was quite disappointing in the beginning. But now I am satisfied that as beginners, we have done a great job by getting 3 victory points in the preliminary rounds and breaking to the quarterfinal. For me, the best thing about debating is it trains us to be more critical. It's quite addictive. Because it makes us want to speak more and more. And I think, the best thing about debate competition is that we can meet some debaters from other schools. When we were debating, both our team and their team seemed to be like hating each other and all those stuffs. But after the debate was over, we started shaking hands, smiling each other, having some stuffs to talk about with them, or even exchanging contacts with them. It just made me feel good.

I told some other debaters (at school) after we lost, including Nydia and Raissa. Nydia gave me some advices and she cheered us up. Tannia did so. Wohooo it was quite great experience. Really looking forward into other debates. Hahaha.

Anyway, Melisa and her team (Ingrid and Raissa) got the 3rd place in Smak1. 4 thumbs up for them :) Hahaha just read Melisa's blog. Okay then, bye folks!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Feel The Artmosphere

Gue pengen nonton Oele Pattiselano di Djakarta Artmosphere (awalnya gue kira Djakarta Atmosphere) tanggal 7 November 2009 di Annex Building. Gue pengen nonton Tika & the Dissidents dan Sore juga. Oh iya, pengen liat Ebiet G. Ade juga hehehe. Dan ternyata ada pameran fotografi juga. Gue bener-bener tertarik deh!

Sayang banget deh, sedikit temen-temen gue yang berminat. Padahal kita sekalian amal juga loh. Sebagian keuntungan penjualan tiketnya bakal disumbangkan buat korban gempa Sumatera Barat. Hehehehe.

Kamu Kopi Saya

Saya benci ketika kopi saya mulai dingin. Saya benci. Titik.

Sweet Sunday

Today was fabulous. I went out with my family and had our lunch in..

Kembang Goela, Central Plaza. The place is fascinating and the food were delicious. They're more into Indonesian food, and the food names are so unique. They also use ejaan lama for the menu. You know what, my brother even ordered some kind of es campur named 'Es Asmara'. Hahaha.

They have batik on the walls.

The menu

Oh yea, if you go to Kembang Goela, you have to order Sosis Oom Yance. It's one-meter-long sausage. Whoa.

I was happy (haha) with rice, ketjipir, and sate after having the sausage

Nasi Langi

Yeah they were performing music. Fabulous! They played some oldies, 4 thumbs up for them. They should have been big stars.

We had poffertjies for our dessert

my mom, me. oh man my eyebrow

on our way home, i took some pics. but i just want to share one of them for now. hehe.

Alright, later everyone. I am so tired.
Bye bye!

low quality pictures, sorry

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Juga Remuk

Yeah similar silly title like the previous post. I am so tired. Exhausted. So today, me, my debating team, and the other team had another rehearsal today at Zena's house after school. Kak Pade also joined us. Unfortunately Fanie decided to quit because of the volleyball game. But luckily, I successfully made Lakshmi to join us and replace Fanie's position as the 3rd speaker. She was great, wow. Nice English, critical thoughts, yeah we're so lucky to have her as our 3rd speaker.

So the rehearsal was over at about 8 pm. But my mom was very very very very late. She picked me up at 9.45. I felt so uncomfortable about it. And I was damn tired, I wanted to go home immediately. But yea my mom, she's very good at late-picking-up (I don't think it's a right word). I reached home at about 11 pm because before going straight home we had to buy some food for my brother at home.

And now, here I am. Having my roti bakar bought in Menteng when we were our way home. I think I'll need some camomile tea so I can sleep well tonight. Woohooooo damn tired.

Oh, I need a hug to give some new spirits for me!
A bad post, sorry.

Friday, October 23, 2009


Yesterday I had debating rehearsal with Kak Pade, Zena, and Gaby. I reached home from school at about 6 pm. Luckily it was traffic so I could find my time to take a nap in the car (haha). Yea I was stressed out yesterday because I fell asleep (so I was lying on my bed, taking some rests because I had been sitting in front of the computer for too long) while I was doing some research for the motions and I couldn't find any advantages of taking those articles. I was damn tired. I woke up at about 1 am after a 2-hours-uncomfortable-sleep. I realized that I was having some kind of breathless that time, I was feeling awful. Terrible. Okay whatever, never mind. Then I decided to get up and get back to the computer. Looking for some good source to help me understand about the matter. Finally, I just found 3 articles which were quite interesting.

So today we did some rehearsal too. But Caroline also joined us. Unfortunately Fanie (my team: me, Zena, and Fanie) couldn't come because of volleyball game in Smak 1. At first I really wanted to quit. I asked some other friends who also join the english debate class to replace me and go for the competition. I felt unready yet. I felt I wouldn't be able to do speech in front of many people. Haaa I was just scared.

I asked Kak Pade about replacing me with other person. But she said that I should try. We can learn together. Me and other debaters for the competitions (my team will go for tarq2 debate competition and the other team will go for the debate competition in sangti) are all beginners. We can learn how to do it well and Kak Pade also assured us not to be afraid. Think positive, so it will turn out to be positive. It's my principle in life, whoa haha.

So we tried to do 2 debates today. First, the motion was about the prohibition of giving money to beggars (one of the motions in tarq2). And the second one was about gay who should close their identity (one of the motions in sangti). Me and Zena were in the affirmative team on the first debate and we lost. I was the first speaker (and the first speaker also took the third speaker position because there wasn't anyone taking that position), and it was the first time for me doing a debate. So there were some parts we didn't mention and we didn't explain about our arguments clearly enough. Then we were in the negative team on the second debate, we won. I started to find it interesting today. Gaby was a very critical person, she was great. I feel more confident now. I hope I can do better then.

I am so tired today. Working on some school stuffs, reaching home late. And oh man I even forgot to have lunch today. There are a lot of things I've been thinking about nowadays. Yea I am becoming ms. thinker. Now my back is aching and it's killing me. And I think debating at school was tiring enough today, so I don't want more. Please stop.

Anyway I just had some wonderful chats with friends on msn today. I will write about it next time. Oh man, I have too many topics to write. But I'm so sorry I can't write it now. I might be free on Sunday. Hmm or next week. Hehehehe. Okay then, I still have many things to do. So, bye folks!


Pedulikah Anda?


Huh, baiklah.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Berwarna Tanpa Sengaja

Tadi Weny nanya gue, "Dania, lo selalu bawa kamera tiap hari ya?"

Hahaha sangat bego. Nggak tau kenapa belakangan ini gue emang lagi niat banget foto-foto. Tapi bukan berarti gue bawa kamera ke sekolah tiap hari ya. Haha. Gue sering bawa kamera ke mana-mana aja, kalo pergi ke tempat-tempat yang menarik atau kalo ada event-event apa gitu. Terus tadi, kebetulan kita kan pulang cepet dan nggak ada pelajaran. Daripada tas gue kosong mendingan gue bawa kamera. Hahaha.

Abis misa kampus, anak-anak kelas 10 kan pada ngumpul di lantai 3 buat foto rapot. Sambil nunggu, gue dan temen-temen foto-foto. Nah, di lantai 3 kan gelap tuh, jadi kita foto-fotonya pake flash (bukan flash tambahan).

Terus, si Tassha iseng-iseng megang (kayak sedikit nutupin pakai jari, tapi nggak nutupin semuanya) flashnya itu pas gue lagi foto. Pas dilihat, fotonya jadi reddish gitu, kayak foto Marcia di bawah ini.

Marcia (flash sedikit ditutup pake jari)

Akhirnya kita menyimpulkan bahwa jari kita menimbulkan efek reddish itu. Kalo dilihat, jari kita kan agak merah-merah gitu. Terus abis itu, kita coba pake warna-warna lain (buat nutupin flashnya).

Tassha dan Feby
Ini pake tutup botol Tassha yang warna biru yang agak transparan (botol minum lock&lock)

Tannia dan Tassha
Ini pake silikon iPhonenya Zena yang warna hijau, gue suka banget warnanya :)

Silikon iPhone hijau juga

Tassha dan Feby
Ini pake plastik (kantong keresek gitu) merahnya Feby, gue juga suka yang ini warnanya hot hihi

Yang ini pake botol minumnya Tannia warna abu-abu

Tassha dan Feby
Pake botol minum lock&lock Tassha (botolnya, bukan tutup birunya)

Pake botolnya Tannia

Weny dan Tannia
Gue agak lupa, kayaknya ini pake botolnya Tannia

Gue hahahaha
Pake botol minum Tannia

Keisengan Tassha sangat brilian. Hahaha.

Hari ini gue ngobrol banyak sama Raychelle (guru les Inggris yang sering gue ceritain di sini). Sekalian discuss motion-motion buat lomba debat, gue minta bantuan gitu. Hehe. Banyak topik-topik menarik yang kita obrolin. Ya biasa lah gue les Inggris kebanyakan ngobrol hehehe. Kapan-kapan gue tulis deh. 2 wonderful chats I have to write about: Obrolan sama Om Alfa tentang musik especially gitar & obrolan sama Raychelle tadi. Nanti ya :)



Hari ini ada misa kampus di sekolah. Kita pulang cepet gitu. Misanya selesai kira-kira jam 9. Terus kita (anak kelas sepuluh) ada pemotretan buat rapot. Agak nggak penting sih gue kasih tau hahaha. Iya, pokoknya hari ini seru banget :)

Greenlite main di misa kampus. Cuma 2 lagu -__- Gue main lagu pembukaan, Erin lagu penutup. Gue bilang lagu-lagu misa kampus kali ini kurang menarik. Kurang bervariasi kayak dulu gitu. Tadi juga ada TPSU. Sayangnya ceritanya agak kurang menyentuh, biasa aja gitu lah. Ya, semuanya agak disappointing sih. Tapi oke lah. Hehe.

Iseng-iseng gue bawa kamera :p

Kak Mendy & Erin

Kak Irma & Anggra

Erin, Kak Irma, & Anggra

dua anak SD yang gue ketawain sama Erin karena mereka pegangan tangan (yang ternyata lagi main adu ayam) haha

ini sebenernya lagi nyoba kamera doang, di kelas sepuluh-1 hehe

Feby & Kak Mendy

Abis selesai foto buat rapot, gue dan beberapa teman (Tannia, Alice, Tassha, dan Rosy) ke Ragusa. Iya, gue ngerasa gue sering mention di blog kalo gue pergi ke Ragusa. Sering banget. Hehehe. Gue emang suka banget ke Ragusa. Two main reasons: deket dan enak. Jadi kita jalan ke sana, sambil ngobrol-ngobrol gitu. Eh ternyata, pas di sana, kita ketemu sama beberapa anak sepuluh-6 (Marcia, Mia, dkk).

Sayangnya batre kamera gue abis, jadi cuma foto-foto sedikit. Gue lupa charge kemaren, nyesel banget banget.

Rosy mesen Lemon Ice, enak banget beneran

Seperti biasa gue mesen Spaghetti Ice Cream. Tapi kayaknya kalo gue ke Ragusa lagi, gue bakal mesen Lemon Ice yang kayak dipesen Rosy. Enak banget. Harus dicoba! Hehehe. Kita ngobrol banyak pas lagi di Ragusa. Seru deh. Ngomongin lifestyles orang-orang, temen-temen kita, yaaah banyak deh. Sayangnya Alice dan Tannia ada mb jadi kita nggak bisa lama-lama di sana. Tapi, cukup memuaskan :)

Oke, gue masih mau ngepost sekali lagi tentang hari ini. Hehe lagi rajin (biasanya juga -__-).
Anyway hari ini serasa hari Sabtu. Pulang cepet, foto-foto, ketawa-ketawa sampe gila, ngobrol dan bertukar pikiran, ya asik deh. Tapi bedanya, besok sekolah. Haha oke deh bye.


Today was SUPER

I have a lot of topics to write and some pictures to share. Be patient. I am a little bit busy of doing some researches for debating.

Nanti gue bakal update, mungkin malem :)

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Overconfidence, Embarrassing?

St. Ursula Education Fair Oct 10th '09
captured by dita, thanks a lot pal!

Anyway, I've started to enjoy playing the bass. But, me and the guitar? Inseparable (eli's sayings).
And I was playing Erin's bass.

I Heart Camomile

Today was great! There was a band rehearsal so me and Feby went out from class and missed 2 subjects. Wohooo hahaha. Anyway I also had a wonderful chat with Om Alfa (the band coach) about music (especially about guitar). I'll write about it later :)

Tomorrow there will be a mass for all of sanur's students(what do we call it?), no lessons! :)

I was free, I've got nothing to do. So I decided to go out with my mom and my brother to pacific place to buy some presents for my cousin in Bali.

We had burgers in Raffles (oh man I don't even know how to spell it). At first we wanted to eat in Hotshots. But my mom didn't want to spend too much on dinner today, and Raffles is much cheaper.

I ordered Roast Beef & cheese, my brother ordered Beef & cheddar melt. I don't know why but the taste was much different (much better, fresh) than the one in gading food court.

weird, wohooooo

Then we had Tutti Frutti (green tea flavor, my favorite!). But I think it wasn't as good as Yogulicious (is the spell right? hahaha). After having the yogurt we went to Kem Chicks to buy some ingredients (to cook some recipes from the book). And I bought Dilmah Camomile tea, I love it. Now I am having my tea :) Anyway guys, it really helps aiding sleep. Trust me!

Terrible English, sorry. Hahahaha later, pals.
I've got a lot of topics to discuss!

photos taken by me (using my mom's blackberry)